Wednesday, September 25, 2019

                                                            Fall Fun

Here's what's coming up...

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Fall Is Here

BIG REMINDER: Grand Parents' Day is coming up on Friday, September 27, 2019. Please invite your grand parents. Your  child must have the permission slip signed in order for them to leave school with their grandparents. Chapel will be on Friday next week, please send your child dress for chapel.
on Friday.
 We have a field trip coming in October. We are going to Gross Farms! More information to come!!
First Grade will have a leave project in late October. Project Information will be sent home in a few weeks.
We have a Fall Festival Basket Theme due and I would love some ideas. If you send in an idea for the basket; your child will get a Homework Pass ! Thank you for all you do for  LCS!

Wednesday, September 11, 2019



 On Monday,September 16,will be PICTURE DAY! Everyone will need to be at school on time, dress in a Lee Christian School Polo shirt and dress pants. We will take a group picture also.
The first grader are working hard on Spelling, Math, Reading and English. We have been learning about the earth that God made for us and how amazing it is. In Science we have learning about, how God make each of us different. 
Please invite your Grand Parents to Grand Parents' Day chapel on September 27, 2019. Thank you for sharing your child with Lee Christian School.

Thursday, September 5, 2019


                        WHAT'S HAPPENING

 Lee Christian School will be having picture day; Monday, September 16, 2019.  All students  must wear a Lee Christian School Polo Shirt. Grand Parents' Day  Chapel will be Friday  September 27, 2019. Please invite your grand parents! 
 Please make sure your child has a rain coat at school. We have to walk from building to building even when it is raining. I want to try to keep my first graders dry.
 We have some awesome first graders; Everyone made 100 on their FIRST SPELLING TEST!!! Keep up the Good Work!

It's Spring Time!

    Thank you for being such WONDERFUL PARENTS, you have helped make our year at Lee Christian School GREAT!    The students in the first g...