Thursday, November 21, 2019

In All Things Give Thanks

Attention Parents: 

This is what's happening next week:

Monday is a special day filled with crafts, games, food and a time to worship the Lord with our Thankful hearts. 
Tuesday we will have a Thanksgiving snack. We will have a fun day!

School will resume on Monday December 2, 2019. The Christmas Program is Monday, December 16 for K-5 - 2nd grade. The 
Christmas Program for  3 grade - 5 grade will be Tuesday, December 17.  We will have more information about the Program as the date approaches us.

Attention Students: 

Please read and practice  your sight words! Please play and enjoy your time with your family and friends!


1 comment:

  1. Thank you Ms. Barringer.... God has blessed us with kind, loving, godly teachers at LCS and we are so thankful for you and all that you do for our boy, Chan. Merry Christmas to you and yours.


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    Thank you for being such WONDERFUL PARENTS, you have helped make our year at Lee Christian School GREAT!    The students in the first g...